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Judy Chicago, the avant-garde feminist artist, named by TIME in 2018 as one of the most influential people in the world and whose exhibition is on display at the ICA in Miami until April 21st 2019, invites interested artists to make the application for 2019 for the Judy Chicago Art Education Award established by Through the Flower.
Trough the Flower is a feminist, non-profit artistic organization, founded by the artist and aiming at increasing the education of art and its power to which women have arrived over time. The organization supports artists, scholars, educators and researchers who have contributed to this mission through art.
The award, in honor of Judy Chicago, one of the founders of the women’s artistic movement and forerunner of art education for women, is awarded each year to projects using any of the three Judy Chicago archives, which preserve the legacy of the artist as a resource as a resource for research:
- Harvard University’s Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America which includes letters, papers, and recordings of congressional hearings about The Dinner Party.
- Penn State University Libraries, Eberly Family Special Collections Library, which houses the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection and The Dinner Party Curriculum Project.
- The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA), Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center, home of the Judy Chicago Visual Archive.
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